So, this is the last you’re probably ever going to hear about Dark Exit, from me.
I have expanded its availability into other countries and other formats.
I started by releasing it to Amazon’s Kindle store. So, you can get it from Amazon as a digital book to be read on your kindle, or on whatever device you have on which you’re running the Kindle app. (Such as an iPad, or a PC)
I have also created a slightly different version which is available for Kobo and through the Kobo store. They also make a Kobo app, in case you don’t have a branded Kobo E-reader.
The fun part about Kobo is that it is international. Yes, Amazon is too, but Kobo is the larger market in Europe. Also Kobo has integrated itself into Walmart, so you may actually be able to go to Walmart and buy my book. Cool, right?
And it will also be buyable as a genuine book, with real paper and ink, which you can hold in your hand, or stuff under a table leg to stop it from wobbling.
In theory this means that you could walk into a physical book store and either ask them to get it in for you or, maybe, find it sitting there on the shelf.
Considering the rumors floating around about what is going on with Barnes & Noble, I wouldn’t get too excited about that last one. (Ok, they’re not rumors. If you want to experience big chain bookstore ambiance, you’d better get your ass in there now, because ‘Kansas is going bye bye’)
When I have all the links for these things I will append them to this post.
PS-Yes. It was a “Matrix” reference. It was a line by Cypher. I know you know. But I feel it important to give full attribution. It’s a moral issue.
Bye for now, Kiddies!