Well, it has finally happened.
My latest Novella has actually been approved as a print book, by my staff. The Kindle and Kobo versions have been out since September of last year. But the print version took a bit longer.
The story and all is the same. But there are just so many more moving parts to fiddle with, when you’re trying to make something suitable for physical printing.
Well now it’s fucking suitable! (as suitable as it will ever be.)
It was a long and painful journey. But now that it is done. It will be easier to do it again.
AGAIN!? Why the fuck would you do it again!?
For other books, ya quacker.
If you recall, I am supposed to be cranking out novels this year.
One of the tasks in cranking out novels includes getting them into physical book form. (Yes, I know that that isn’t strictly necessary these days. But I would like my books to be ‘Real’. )
You know? So, like, when the system breaks down, and we are all struggling to find food and water and none of our gadgets function, you will still be able to sit comfortably under one of the few remaining trees and read my stories.
Because they don’t need batteries or a working source of anything other than light. (I am assuming that we will not have blotted out the sun. Not much I can do about that.)
So, although this novella was not that important per se, the process in getting this thing print worthy is identical to doing a full novel.
Now that I have learned all that stuff, the rest of these things should go from writing to print MUCH more quickly.
Anyway, of you want a lovely physical copy of the book , I will put a link to order it over in yon sidebar as soon as I have a link to put there. I am writing this immediately after submitting the final draft to the printer.
It will take them a day or so to set up their shit and send me the link.
Then I will provide it to you.