This paragraph is recently added to explain this post. This post was to have been published in August. It wasn’t. I forgot it existed. I just found it laying around in my drafts. So, here it is. Hope you like it. Though if you ignore it and just move on to the latest post, that would be ok too.
I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams.
H. P. Lovecraft
I have been far away for a while. You may wonder why? I have been writing. And learning more about writing.
I have two flash stories floating around now. As well as the novella. And the Neptune novel is almost finished.
I am in the process of writing another flash Sci-Fi story. And juggling three short stories.
So, by the end of the month, you could reasonably expect my putting out two new flash, three shorts, and the damned space novel. [Which has nothing to do with Uranus, by the way. Even though a while back I posted a piece entitled “Uranus Update”. It’s actually set around Neptune. (And other parts of the solar system. But it Starts off at Neptune. No Uranus involved! just sayin’)]
The novel has taken an interesting turn and has expanded far beyond the scope of the story that I started it thinking I would write.
It’s essentially what I had planned, just more vast. Which is cool. But takes longer. So I’m just letting y’all know that I’m not just twiddling my thumbs.
I’m bouncing around a bunch of projects. This is common for me at this time of year. It’s a bad time for most writers. It has something to do with nice whether and vacations and such.
I was hoping that this post would include something truly interesting. But it didn’t seem to work out that way.
Yea, well. You should expect that sometimes.
The good thing is that I usually have lots of interesting things to say after I have done a pointless post like this one.
Thanks for your support.